Volume 24. Issue Spring. Life Chapter: Indonesia*

It was March 30th 2017. I remember that day clearly. That morning I was proctoring the Texas English STAAR state test. I sat for a quick second with my phone during a restroom break. I had a feeling the email was coming soon. The email I longed for that would determine the next chapter of my life. I knew it was soon but I did not know when.

“Fulbright Application Status” the email read. My eyes slowly blossomed. The first word stood out: Congratulations! I kept reading the email thinking it was some mistake. But no…I made it. Ami**, I made it!

I MADE IT! I was selected as a recipient of the Fulbright grant to Indonesia!

I told everyone. I sent text messages, emails, phone calls, made Facebook posts, Instagram posts, tweets, Whatsapp messages, honestly everything. I received the Fulbright grant to teach English in Indonesia. I thanked everyone for their guidance and support along the way. I would not have imagined being accepted into the Fulbright program without all the support from Penn State University’s Fellowship Office, Teach For America-Houston staff and corps members, my colleagues at Sharpstown High School and all my friends who willingly provided feedback to my application. I am here because of you. Thank you!

In a matter of a few short months, I was in Washington D.C. for the Fulbright Pre-Departure Orientation for East-Asia Pacific. I was just as excited as I opened my email informing me of my acceptance into the program. I vividly remember walking up to the Fulbright registration and meeting this one girl whose name tag said “Indonesia.” I was nervous to make the first move and say “hey.” I did notice her from the Fulbright Indonesia Facebook group we have. We didn’t end up talking until we took the elevator and I asked her “Where are you going for your Fulbright grant?” even though I knew the answer. We chatted for a bit until we departed ways. She would later sit next to me at the formal Welcoming Dinner. I still remember her as my first Fulbright Indonesia friend.

The Fulbright cohort to Indonesia is AMAZING. I love these people and am so happy we are on this once-in-a-lifetime journey together. The 19 of us immediately clicked off the start. It was so easy for me to start a conversation with everyone. We are also a diverse group: four of us identify as Muslims, and nine of us identify as a person of color. Each one has such a unique journey that bought them to Fulbright that is inspiring to hear. There are aspiring journalists, teachers, future diplomats, and future doctors. I hope to feature a few on my blog in the coming months. You will most definitely hear from my Gorontalo sitemate, Ian, who also hails from Houston (HTOWN!!).


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Fast-forward a week before my grant start date, July 23rd, and here I am scrambling for last minute supplies and clothes, medicines, oleh-oleh and kenang-kenangang (to be discussed in a future post), and anything else I find suitable for my new life in Indonesia.

That’s all for now as I go back to packing! The next blog post will detail what I have done since Pre-Departure Orientation and the events of my last week before my grant start date.

Until then, Sempai Jumpaa!**

*Volume 24 refers to my age. Issue Spring refers to the season in which I found out my acceptance.

**Ami means mother in Urdu.

***Sempai Jumpaa means see you later in Bahasa Indonesian.

Special thanks go to my former Dean of Science at Sharpstown High School, Mrs. Alexander; my Manager of Teaching Leadership Development at Teach for America-Houston, Ms. Milton; one of my favorite undergraduate professors, Dr. O’Hara; and Pennsylvania State University’s Fellowship Office. And finally, to my students at Sharpstown High School. They were the crux of my grant essays and I am forever thankful for what each student has taught me. Shoutout to Sharpstown Apollos!

4 thoughts on “Volume 24. Issue Spring. Life Chapter: Indonesia*”

  1. Nabeel, I really enjoyed your first blog post! Thanks for being open to sharing your experience and I look forward to reading along as you detail this ‘once-in-a-lifetime journey’.


  2. We are waiting for the next story about Indonesia. Sampai Jumpa Nabeel. Insya Allah you got all the informations you need in first orietantion joined with us SMAN 1 Limboto. The first impression, I am really sure that everyone will be you good partner in everything, not only the teachers but also all the students and administration staf. they told me about that. Insya Allah.


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